Friday, May 20, 2016

What Are the AISD Schools for the Chimney Rock Neighborhood?
The Abilene Independent School District has assigned students to the following schools for the north Chimney Rock neighborhood. Many families have asked about this data during showings; therefore, we wanted to provide this graphic compiled from
Elementary: The Ward Elementary School is assigned and located very close to Pamela Drive. For families with young children, the distance is walk-able and Rebecca Lane has school zone lights with a crosswalk guard provided each school day. Go to Great Schools website for school grading information.
  • 3750 Paintbrush Dr, Abilene, TX 79606
Middle School: The Clack Middle School is located further away (north west of Chimney Rock). It is east of Dyess Air Force Base and west of the Loop Highway. It will require bus or parental drop off.
  • 1610 Corsicana Ave., Abilene, TX 79605
High School: And finally, Cooper High School is closer to the neighborhood while requiring bus transport, parental drop off, or student drivers to cross under the Loop Highway. The campus is located east of the Starbucks and behind the Office Depot on Sayles Blvd. and South 41st Street.
  • 3639 Sayles Blvd, Abilene, TX 79605

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